samedi 9 décembre 2006

Company's profile

Our Mission

To promote social and economic development in Africa in providing a strategic framework for business analysis and risk management and in supporting specific industry or private initiatives so that they emerge, grow and sustain a competitive advantage.
We firmly believe that market oriented small farmers are ENTREPRENEURS and they are part of the Private sector and our market.
At Vision Afrique (V.A.)Conseils, we assist our clients to structure their businesses and link them to the market in a way that ensures the maximization of stakeholder value.
From stand-alone projects to a complete supply chain structure, we employ effective methodologies and technologies to ensure that we exceed the expectations of our clients.

Our Professionals

We value diversity and performance. The quality of our human resources is key to our success. Professionals who work at V.A. Conseils are dedicated and experienced individuals from the region as to reflect our market. Together, the team brings years of experience in various areas and types of businesses to provide viable business solutions to our clients.
Starting every mission with a rapid strategic and market analysis is now part of our best practice.

Areas of intervention

Vision Afrique (VA) Conseils works with small to medium businesses (SME’s) and small producer's associations that seek to increase their access to market and finance and improve productivity and competitiveness.
We also facilitate public private Partnership, including international aid and development organizations along demonstration projects which aim at creating investment opportunities for private sector, the driver of a sustainable and clean development in Africa.
We provide an Integrated Services Solution -
Supply Chain enhancement, Access to finance and market, SME Support services, Entrepreneurship development, and Technical Assistance - which as a package, or as a stand alone intervention, supports our clients in their quest for growth.

Supply Chain Enhancement
We believe in Equity and Win-win Public Private partnership as fundamentals for sustainable development. We focus on agmarkets and agribusiness, energy, metal and ICT subsectors:
* Supply chain selection and mapping, including assessment of opportunities and obstacles hindering the dynamism and competitiveness;
* Strategic positioning, including identification of adding value innovations, investments and support services to reduce transactions costs and increase competitiveness;
* Assistance to private investors to develop business plan and structure the financing;
* Facilitation of Public-Private partnership to deliver public goods;
* Capacity building of producers' associations;
* Facilitation of access to market and finance.

SME Support Services
We use the state of the art analytical and strategic methodologies to refine our clients’ business models, develop a competitive advantage and improve their organizational effectiveness:
* Conducting a business diagnostic using the FUNDES tool developed by the World Bank;
* Structuring investment projects and assessing risks;
* Assist SMEs in developing an appropriate financing strategy to increase the value to clients and ensure high profit for the business;
* Financial engineering and working capital management;
* Assistance to mobilize resources (human, financial and know-how);
* Marketing plan development and set up of performance management system;
* Development of Management information system.
* Market Assessment and Strategy development
* System and procedure manuals development.

Access to Finance
Our aim is to facilitate the dialogue between financial institutions and SMEs in addressing business risk issues:

* Pre and post financing mentorship;
* Investment project structuring;
* Linkage with financial institutions (commercial banks, Microfinance Institutions, guarantee funds and capital risk);
* Training of commercial bank’s staff in SME risk assessment and SME lending;
* Capacity building of Microfinance Institutions;
* Microfinance project evaluation and capacity building for best practice adoption.

Entrepreneurship Development
We assist donors in designing and implementing programs to strengthen the capacity of local entrepreneurs:
* Design of BDS project and training of SME managers in business best practices;
* Technical assistance for project start-up and staff capacity building;
* Sector studies and development of Market and economic information systems;
*Training of trainers and capacity building of local BDS providers for local consultant’s strengthening and networking.

Our clients

We have worked with:

* The World Bank Group in Senegal, Mali, Burkina, Benin, Niger, Algeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Chad, Bengladesh (Entrepreneurship development, business plan development, training of local BDS providers, training of commercial banks and MFI in SME lending and best practice adoption);
* UNDP in Mali, Senegal and Togo (evaluation of MFI and capacity building of women entrepreuneurs in access to finance and market in agribusiness)
* International Trade Centre (ITC) in Ethiopia (Access to finance scheme for small producers in Agribusiness)
* USAID in Mali, Senegal, Rwanda, Erithrea (evaluation of microfinance institutions, design of a credit bureau for MFI, development of rural finance and rural business centers, development of market node schemes to improve small producers access to market in agribusiness);
* European Commission in Cameroon (feasibility study and project financial evaluation);
* Diverse industry or service based SME in Senegal, Niger and Togo.

For more information, please send us an email at: